St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Fort Wayne

A Local Fraternus® Chapter in Fort Wayne, IN

“If a man boasts of loving God, while he hates his own brother, he is a liar. He has seen his brother, and has no love for him; what love can he have for the God he has never seen? No, this is the divine command that has been given us; the man who loves God must be one who loves his brother as well.”

– 1 John 4:20-21

Chapter Leadership

Tony Gray
(260) 452-7649
Regional Sage
Dan Landrigan
(260) 450-3166


The weekly meetings of Fraternus – called Frat Nights – are for men and young men as young as 6th grade. Boys in 5th grade may also attend if their father accompanies them. Frat Night is a mix of recreation, food and the study of the traditional virtues.




6:30 PM


School Cafeteria and Gym




Each Fraternus chapter participates in several activities and excursions. Some of these include weekly activities, Ranch, excursions and more. Visit our Activities page to view what our chapter offers.


From St. John Bosco to Bl. Pierre Giorgio Frassati to St. John Paul II, saints with a particular skill at reaching the hearts of young men know that when you bring them out into creation, they become more open to the Creator. Fraternus Excursions are a chance for men and boys to engage the outdoors in adventure, prayer, and solid formation.

Excursion 1 Theme: Bear Lake Retreat

This will be an overnight retreat at a nearby retreat center. Activities involve many different individual and team games, hiking and shared prayer. Mass, adoration and virtue based messages are woven into the retreat schedule. We’ve had several great excursions in the past at this large site.

Excursion 1 Location: Bear Lake Camp – Albion, IN

Excursion 1 Date: September 23-24, 2023

Excursion 2 Theme: Fall Day of Service (Early November)

Members joined together to assist needy parishioners and neighbors with leaf removal and other yard work. The day began with Mass and included lunch, prayer and competitive games.

Excursion 2 Location: St Elizabeth and surrounding area homes

Excursion 2 Date: November 11th, 2023

Excursion 3 Theme: Spring Overnight Excursion

This will be an overnight retreat at a nearby retreat center. Activities involve many different individual and team games, hiking and shared prayer. Mass, adoration and virtue based messages are woven into the retreat schedule.

Excursion 3 Location: St. Felix, Huntington, IN

Excursion 3 Date: April 27-28, 2024


Faithful Catholic men are the core of Fraternus.

Volunteers are the cornerstone of Fraternus. Without them, our organization would not be as successful and influential as it is today. Our chapter is always in need of any help we can get, and we are forever grateful for the time that our volunteers sacrifice for the betterment of young, virtuous Catholic men. There are numerous ways to become involved from helping with the weekly dinners during Frat Night to becoming a Diocesan volunteer. Please contact one of our chapter’s officers to find out how you could help make an impact on these young men.

Please visit the Safe Environment page of the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church website to learn about and adhere to our Parish Safe Environment policies.


HAWC stands for Honest, Accountable, Willing, and Chaste. HAWC groups, which are for young men in high school, meet in addition to weekly Frater Nights in order to grow in their knowledge of the faith and prayer, but especially as men that lead the younger brothers in their local Chapter.


Bi-weekly (every other Sunday)




5:00 – 7:00 pm


St. Elizabeth’s Youth Room

Updated on

Ready to Join?

Interested in registering for our chapter? Complete the annual registration form below to join our chapter.

Support this Chapter

Chapters with a Bosco Society help to support local expenses like food and facilities, create local scholarships for Fraternus Summer Ranch and support the establishment of new Chapters nationally.

© 2024 |

Fort Wayne, IN

A Local Fraternus® Chapter in

Fort Wayne, IN

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